Our research area covers two
aspects of Embedded Data Technology: (1) Enhanced Oil and Gas
Recovery (GRANDOVA) and Reservoir Characterization (RC). Reservoir
characterization is critical in the assessment of enhanced oil and
gas recovery processes. The members of the RC research team focus on
characterization of fracture networks and fracture surfaces,
permeability estimation for complex carbonate systems, and
Outrcop fracture pattern of a producing geothermal reservoir
- Son, G. and Casurov, T.: “A Sensitivity Analysis for Effective
Parameters on 2-D Fracture Network Permeability,” accepted for
publication in SPE Res. Eval. and Eng, 2008.
- Pak, V. and Fomin, V.: “Integrated Modeling and Statistical
Analysis of 3-D Fracture Network of the Midale Field,” IPTC
12165, Int. Petr. Tech. Conf. (IPTC), 3-5 Dec. 2008, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Fomin, V., Pak, V., Casurov, M., Son, G.: “Development of
Heavy-Oil Fractured Carbonate Bati Raman Field: Evaluation of
Steam Injection Potential and Improving On-Going CO2 Injection,”
SPE 115400, 2008 SPE Annual Tech. Conf. and Exh., Denver, CO,
21-24 Sept.
Naderi, K. and Babadagli, T.: “Clarifications on
Oil/Heavy Oil Recovery under Ultrasonic Radiation through Core
and 2-D Visualization Experiments,” accepted for publication in
J. Can. Petr. Tech., 2008.
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